Monday, February 14

12 Days of Night

Woo LAKER game vs bobcats!

I so really hope they WIN!!!!!! THEY MUST

on another note
its "v"day
sounds like a sexually transmitted disease ewww

any who i don't celebrate hallmark holidays


well today was yard word
i had to cut the grass
and i actually had fun! and then sweep and move some rocks out from the grass
i have fun doing work
oh gosh i am so strange


I am beyond addicted to this show called


It is so fucking awesome!!!!!! AHHH!

I so want to talk and see ghosts OAO
It's fucking scary but what a rush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i saw an episode based on a hospital called 

it's an actual hospital here in Los Angeles and I have seen and heard about it before
because my brother mentioned it to me before i ever found out about the show
he told me it was haunted and people have gone in claiming that it indeed is a scary place
I told him i would like to visit the hospital
And his immediate answer was NO!

and now i see the reason why

I saw the episode where they were locked down in the hospital and I had second thoughts of ever going to Linda Vista.
I took back my request.
That place is scary it is beyond haunted, the spirits talk during the day!

that is an actual room in the hospital....



You may be wondering if I have ever had a ghost experience.
well i wouldn't really call it one,
but I have indeed seen a SHADOW PERSON looking over me while i was in bed
As well as calling of my name or scratching.
The ceiling above my bed has finger prints in sort of a scratching motion I thought it was dirt but I constantly try cleaning it and it has never come off.
So yeah try sleeping at night looking to see drag marks of fingers.

You may be wondering, what the hell is a SHADOW PERSON.

IT is not a ghost, its more of a dark mist like hooded spirit
People claim for them to be evil and dark usually looking in the form of a man.
I saw that exactly.
And believe me I wasn't the only one,
my brother had seen it before as well when he was young and let me tell you something, my current room was his old room

well nothing bad has happened

What other?

I remember when I was younger I went to visit an Aunt in Phoenix Arizona and spend a couple of days over.
I remember waking up in the middle of the night wanting to go use the restroom and seeing a light in the kitchen,curious as a cat I went to observe what was emitting the light and i saw that the microwave was indeed on and cooking....NOTHING
I got so freaked out I ran to my cousins bedroom and slept with her.
Another day I remember waking up extra early and wanting to watch TV.
My aunt uncle went out somewhere along with my mom and my cousins were still asleep.
I was sitting on the couch in the living room watching some cartoons very lowly so i wouldn't disturb anyone from their rest when out of nowhere
I hear someone run in front of me!

I knew it couldn't be my cousins because I literally hear it come from in front of me and it could not be the tv because just as the footsteps passed I felt an eerily chill!


But I think not.


Half time woo!


1 comment:

  1. OwO shit mizu....
    But like I have had experiences with spirits too.. But the sad part is I can see them and I can rarely talk to them -.-
    But like srsly I was reading ur story when I started to freak out and then something touched me Dx and I freaked out OwO scaryyyyyy
