Monday, July 18

Devil's dont CRY

Okay so if you live around the Los Angeles area you might already know about the convention
well I bearly heard about it by OrihimeWhatsIt on DeviantArt and she told me about it.

So I got convinced in going for at least two days and cosplay!!

One of those Im going to cosplay with her. But I dont want to tell anyone about that costume cuz I want it to be a surprise!

But Im working on another awesome cosplay.

Originally I was going to cosplay a character from Fullmetal Alchemist. But I have no favorite character from that series. I don't!
So I remember how this year at AX I was trying to cosplay Devil May Cry but Chika couldn't make the Dante costume because it was too complex with her, I finally remembered that I had started on the coat!

So yesterday I rummaged through my closet tossing fabric and costumes every which way till I found my bag with my WIP Nero costume from Devil May Cry 4!

I was real happy that I still had fabric to create it and I had not reused the fabric for something else.

So this is entirely what I worked on creating yesterday!

1st. I sewed on the coat with red lining inside. 

2nd. Sewed the entire coat together, you can see the red lining much better...ignore my toes and pin tomato xD

3rd.Now here is the coat looking closed, I pinned the collar, I need to iron it for it to stay that way...OTL

4th. Now with the inner sweater! Im actually reusing a sweater that I didn't want anymore as my base for it.

Right now im currently working on the sleeves of the coat and adding red lining!
Wish me luck!
And I hope to finish it before January!

PS. Im going to make Nero's RED QUEEN and DEVIL BRINGER!
and maybe his BLUE ROSE if I have enough supplies n time

Thursday, July 14

Night or Day CLOUDY is your way~!

Well I guess I have not posted in months. Reasons for my absence from BLOGGER are more on the personal side. So sorry.
But I am here and I am back.
You might notice the new changes already in my blog as the name and everything.

Well Im more into cosplaying now then making music.

Thats my thing, COSPLAYING.
I have been cosplaying since 2009 and fully got into it this year with my best friend Chika. We made a group called Mr.CloudCosplay but our members vary from anyone. We are just the main people.

Well recently I went to ANIME EXPO 2011!
For 2 days.
On Saturday July 2nd I cosplayed Dragon Age, Zevran.
Me as Zevran at AX '11

It was real exciting for everyone recognizeing the group I was a part of the video game!!
Hurray for nerd gamism?! HAHA!

Then on the last day July 4th I cosplayed with Chika SOUL EATER.
Lots of photographers took our pictures.
You can tell by my banner...hahah~
We met up with so many awesome people. I got to meet new cosplayers and new cosplaying buddies!
Met up with Valdrien from Fighting Dreamers Pro.
Also of course AICOSU, Sheila and Sylar. They were so fun~! Talked like old friends.

There are many more conventions to come!
I'll show you guys my list.


  1. Comikaze - November 5th or 6th
  2. Anime Los Angeles - January 6th-8th 2012
More Conventions will be added to my list!
But these are for sure!
For Comikaze Im actually going to attend with my sister and we are going to cosplay together OAO IT MUST BE THE END OF THE WORLD!
And I made plans with a fellow friend for Anime Los ANgeles 83

I'll leave you guys with this new info